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A subset of my recent works with sufficiently different subject matter are included below for easy access.
Book Chapters
(In reverse chronological order. Cited elsewhere as [B#])
B7) Bin Li, Bo Ji, Atilla Eryilmaz,
‘‘Age-Efficient Scheduling in Communication Networks’’, in book ‘‘Age of Information: Foundations and Applications’’, Edited by: Walid Saad, Harpreet Dhillon, Nikolaos Pappas, Mohamed A. Abd-Elmagid, Bo Zhou, Cambridge University Press, under preparation, 2021.
B6) John Tadrous, Atilla Eryilmaz, and Hesham El-Gamal,
‘‘Pricing-Aided Proactive Caching for Content Provider Networks’’, in book ‘‘Edge Caching for Mobile Networks’’, Edited by: Vincent Poor and Wei Chen, under preparation, 2020.
B5) H. Wymeersch and A. Eryilmaz
‘‘Multiple Access Control in Wireless Networks‘’, in book ‘‘Transmission Techniques for Digital Communications’’, Edited by:Sarah Kate Wilson, Stephen G. Wilson and Ezio Biglieri, ISBN: 978-0-12-398281-0, Wilson: Academic Press Library in Mobile and Wireless Communications, 2016.
B4) O. Dalkilic, J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, and H. El Gamal,
‘‘Pricing under Demand Flexibility and Predictability’’, Smart Data Pricing, Editors: Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Mung Chiang, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-61166-1, September, 2014.
B3) A. Eryilmaz, L. Ying,
‘‘Scaling Laws with Network Coding’’, Network Coding: Fundamentals and Applications, Editors: Muriel Medard and Alex Sprintsons, Elsevier Inc., Academic Press, ISBN:9780123809186, October, 2011.
B2) Srinivas Shakkottai, A. Eryilmaz,
‘‘Optimization and Control of Communication Networks’’, The Control Handbook, Second Edition, Editor: William S. Levine, University of Maryland, College Park: CRC Press, December, 2010.
B1) A. Eryilmaz,
‘‘Network Flow and Congestion Control’’, Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Editor: Benjamin Wah, Wiley and Sons, 2009.
H. El Gamal, A. Eryilmaz, G. Caire, F. Sha, M. McLaughlin, US-Patent # 10,616,138 (April 7, 2020) on ‘‘Predictive Network System and Method‘’.
H. El Gamal, A. Eryilmaz, G. Caire, F. Sha, M. McLaughlin, US-Patent # 9,680,766 (June 13, 2017) on ‘‘Predictive Network System and Method‘’.
H. El Gamal, A. Eryilmaz, and J. Tadrous, US-Patent # 9,531,522 (December 27, 2016) on ‘‘System and Method for Proactive Resource Allocation‘’.
M. Medard, A. Eryilmaz, and A. Ozdaglar, US-Patent # 9,160,440 (October 13, 2015) on ‘‘Method for coding-based, delay-efficient data transmission‘’.
Journal Papers
(In reverse chronological order. Cited elsewhere as [J#])
Accepted Journal Papers Awaiting Publication
J46) B. Abolhassani, J. Tadrous and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Delay Gain Analysis of Wireless Multicasting for Content Distribution’’, in IEEEACM Transactions on Networking, 2021 (doi: 10.1109/TNET.2020.3039634).
J45) Guocong Quan, Jian Tan, A. Eryilmaz ‘‘Counterintuitive Characteristics of Optimal Distributed LRU Caching Over Unreliable Channels’’, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Early Access Publication, 2020.
J44) Harsh Gupta, A. Eryilmaz and R. Srikant, ‘‘Link Rate Selection using Constrained Thompson Sampling’’, in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Early Access Publication, 2020.
Published Journal Papers
J43) H. Kesavareddigari, S. Spencer, A. Eryilmaz and R. Srikant, ‘‘Identification and Asymptotic Localization of Rumor Sources Using the Method of Types’’, in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, 2020.
J42) A. Bakshi, L. Chen, K. Srinivasan, C. E. Koksal, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘EMIT: An Efficient MAC Paradigm for the Internet of Things’’, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1572-1583, Aug. 2019.
J41) S. Cayci, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Learning to Control Renewal Processes with Bandit Feedback’’, in POMACS, 2019.
J40) S. Cayci and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal Learning for Dynamic Coding in Deadline-Constrained Multi-Channel Networks’’, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1043-1054, June 2019.
J39) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, A. Sabharwal, ‘‘Action-based Scheduling: Leveraging App Interactivity for Scheduler Efficiency’’, in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 112-125, Feb. 2019.
J38) C. Joo, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Wireless Scheduling for Information Freshness and Synchrony: Drift-based Design and Heavy-Traffic Analysis’’, to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 26, pages: 2556-2568, 2018.
J37) O. Dalkilic, A. Eryilmaz, X. Lin, ‘‘Pricing for the Optimal Coordination of Opportunistic Agents’’, IEEE Transactions on Complex Networks, IEEE Transactions on Complex Networked Systems (TCNS), vol. 5, pages: 833-845, 2018.
J36) O. Dalkilic, O. Candogan, and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Dayahead Electricity Pricing for a Heterogeneous Microgrid under
Arbitrary Utility and Cost Structures’’, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 336-345, Jan. 2018.
J35) J. Liu, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, E. Bentley, ‘‘Understanding the Impacts of Limited Channel State Information on Massive MIMO Cellular Network Optimization’’, submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 1715-1727, Aug. 2017.
J34) S. Buccapatnam, F. Liu, A. Eryilmaz, and N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Reward Maximization Under Uncertainty: Leveraging Side-Observations on Networks’’, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 7947-7980, January 2017.
J33) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘On Optimal Proactive Caching for Mobile Networks with Demand Uncertainties’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 2715-2727, Oct. 2016.
J32) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. El Gamal, ‘‘Joint Smart Pricing and Proactive Content Caching for Mobile Services’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 2357-2371, Aug. 2016.
J31) W. Ouyang, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Low-Complexity Optimal Scheduling over Time-Correlated Fading Channels with ARQ Feedback’’, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 2275-2289, Sept. 2016.
J30) W. Ouyang, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Downlink Scheduling Over Markovian Fading Channels’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1801-1812, June 2016.
J29) Bin Li, Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Wireless Scheduling Design for Optimizing Both Service Regularity and Mean Delay in Heavy-Traffic Regimes’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1867-1880, June 2016.
J28) J.Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. El Gamal, ‘‘Proactive Content Download and User Demand Shaping for Data Networks’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.23, no.6, pp.1917-1930, Dec. 2015.
J27) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Distributed Channel Probing for Efficient Transmission Scheduling in Wireless Networks’’, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.14, no.6, pp.1176-1188, June 2015.
J26) Bin Li, Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Throughput-Optimal Scheduling Design With Regular Service Guarantees in Wireless Networks’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.23, no.5, pp.1542-1552, Oct. 2015.
J25) Bin Li, Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘On the Optimal Convergence Speed of Wireless Scheduling for Fair Resource Allocation’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 631-643, April, 2015.
J24) W. Ouyang, S. Murugesan, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Exploiting Channel Memory for Downlink Opportunistic Scheduling with Channel Estimation and Rate Adaptation’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61, pp. 1702-1720, April 2015. (Addendum to the paper)
J23) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Non-derivative Algorithm Design for Efficient Routing over Unreliable Stochastic Networks’’, Elsevier's Performance Evaluation, vol. 71, pages 44-60, 2014.
J22) B. T. Swapna, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Throughput-Delay Analysis of Random Linear Network Coding for Wireless Broadcasting’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 6328-6341, Oct. 2013.
J21) S. Lakshminarayana, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Multirate Multicasting With Intra-layer Network Coding’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1256-1269, August, 2013.
J20) J.Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. El Gamal, ‘‘Proactive resource allocation: harnessing the diversity and multicast gains’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.59, no.8, pp.4833-4854, Aug. 2013.
J19) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal Distributed Scheduling under Time-varying Conditions: A Fast-CSMA Algorithm with Applications’’, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 12, no.7, pp. 3278-3288, July, 2013.
J18) Ruogu Li, H. Gangammanavar, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal Dynamic Coding-Window Selection for Serving Deadline-Constrained Traffic over Time-varying Channels’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 6556 –6571, oct. 2012.
J17) Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Scheduling End-to-End Deadline-Constrained Traffic with Reliability Requirements in Multi-hop Networks’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1649 –1662, oct. 2012.
J16) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Exploring the Throughput Boundaries of Randomized Schedulers in Wireless Networks’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(4):1112-1124, 2012.
J15) A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Asymptotically Tight Steady-State Queue-length Bounds Implied by Drift Conditions’’, Queueing Systems Theory and Applications (QUESTA), vol. 72, no. 3-4, pp. 311–359, 2012.
J14) P. Marbach, A. Eryilmaz, A. Ozdaglar, ‘‘Asynchronous CSMA Policies in Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Primary Interference Constraints’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 57, pages 3644-3676, 2011.
J13) H. Xiong, Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, E. Ekici, ‘‘Delay-Aware Cross-Layer Design for Network Utility Maximization in Multi-hop Networks’’, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 29, pages 951-959, 2011.
J12) A. Eryilmaz, D. Lun, and B. T. Swapna, ‘‘Control of Multi-hop Communication Networks for Inter-Session Network Coding’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, special issue on ‘‘Facets of Coding Theory: from Algorithms to Networks’’, a tribute to Ralf Koetter, vol. 57, no.2, pages 1092-1110, 2011.
J11) Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, L. Ying, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogenous Flows’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 19, pages 223-236, 2011.
J10) M. Kim, J. K. Sundararajan, M. Medard, A. Eryilmaz, R. Koetter, ‘‘Network Coding in a Multicast Switch’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 57, pages 436-460, 2011.
J9) A. ParandehGheibi, A. Eryilmaz, A. Ozdaglar, M. Medard, ‘‘On Resource Allocation in Fading Multiple-Access Channels: An Efficient Approximate Projection Approach’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56, no. 9, pages 4417-4437, 2010.
J8) A. Eryilmaz, A. Ozdaglar, D. Shah, M. Medard, ‘‘Distributed Cross-Layer Algorithms for the Optimal Control of Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 18, pages 638-652, 2010.
J7) A. Eryilmaz, A. Ozdaglar, M. Medard, E. Ahmed, ‘‘On the Delay and Throughput Gains of Coding in Unreliable Networks’’, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 54, no. 12, pages 5511-5524, 2008.
J6) L. Bui, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, X. Wu, ‘‘Joint Asynchronous Congestion Control and Distributed Scheduling for Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 16, no. 4, pages 826-839, 2008.
J5) A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Fair Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks using Queue-length based Scheduling and Congestion Control’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 15, no. 6, pages 1333-1344, 2007.
J4) L. Ying, R. Srikant, A. Eryilmaz, G. E. Dullerud, ‘‘A Large Deviations Analysis of Scheduling in Wireless Networks’’, IEEE Transactions in Information Theory, vol. 6, pages 297-310, 2007.
J3) L. Ying, R. Srikant, A. Eryilmaz, G. E. Dullerud, ‘‘Distributed Fair Resource Allocation in Cellular Networks in the Presence of Heterogeneous
Delays’’, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 52, no. 1, pages 129-134, 2007.
J2) A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Joint Congestion Control, Routing and MAC for Stability and Fairness in Wireless Networks’’, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on ‘Nonlinear Optimization of Communication Systems’, vol. 24, issue 8, pages 1514-1524, August, 2006.
J1) A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, J. Perkins, ‘‘Stable Scheduling for Fading Wireless Channels’’, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 13, number 2, pages 411-424, April, 2005.
Conference Papers
(In reverse chronological order. Cited elsewhere as [C#])
Accepted Conference Papers Awaiting Publication
C105) J. Yun, A. Eryilmaz, and C. Joo, “Remote Tracking of Dynamic Sources under Sublinear Communication Costs”, to appear in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, AoI Workshop, 2021.
C104) S. Kang, A. Eryilmaz, and C. Joo, “Comparison of Decentralized and Centralized Update Paradigms for Remote Tracking of Distributed Dynamic Sources”, to appear in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 2021.
C103) B. Abolhasani, J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, E. Yeh, ‘‘Fresh Caching for Dynamic Content’’, to appear in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 2021.
Published Conference Papers
C102) S. Cayci, S. Gupta, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Group-Fair Online Allocation in Continuous Time’’, in Proceedings of NeurIPS, 2020.
C101) G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, ‘‘Prefetching and Caching for Minimizing Service Costs: Optimal and Approximation Strategies’’, in Proceedings of IFIP Performance, 2020.
C100) B. Li, A. Eryilmaz and R. Srikant, ‘‘Emulating Round-Robin for Serving Dynamic Flows over
Wireless Fading Channels’’, in ACM Mobihoc, 2020.
C99) Himaja Kesavareddigari and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal decisions of a rational agent in the presence of biased information providers’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2020.
C98) Bahman Abolhassani, John Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Achieving Freshness in SingleMulti-User Caching of Dynamic Content over the Wireless Edge/’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2020.
C97) S. Cayci, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Budget-constrained Bandits over General Cost and Reward Distributions’’, in Proceedings of The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2020.
C96) S. Zai, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘An ADMM-based Algorithm for Zeroth-order Stochastic Optimization over Distributed Processing Networks’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, July 2020.
C95) I-Hong Hou, Narges Zarnaghi Naghsh, Sibendu Paul, Y. Charlie Hu, A. Eryilmaz ‘‘Predictive Scheduling for Virtual Reality’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, July 2020.
C94) S. Zai, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘ Cubic Regularized ADMM with Convergence to a Local Minimum in Non-convex Optimization’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Allerton, Oct. 2019.
C93) G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, ‘‘A new flexible multi-flow LRU cache management paradigm for minimizing misses’’, in Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics, July, 2019.
C92) S. Cayci, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Learning to Control Renewal Processes with Bandit Feedback’’, in Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics, July, 2019.
C91) R. Liu, E. Yeh, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Proactive Caching for Low Access-Delay Services under Uncertain Predictions’’, in Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics, July, 2019.
C90) G. Quan, J. Tan, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Counterintuitive Characteristics of Optimal Distributed LRU Caching Over Unreliable Channels’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, May, 2019.
C89) H. Gupta, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Link Rate Selection using Constrained Thompson Sampling’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, May, 2019.
C88) S. Zai, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘A Flexible Distributed Optimization Framework for Service of Concurrent Tasks in Processing Networks’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, May, 2019.
C87) B. Abolhasani, J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Wireless Multicasting for Content Distribution: Endless Stability and Delay Gains’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, May, 2019.
C86) J. Yun, C. Joo, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal Real-time Monitoring of an Information Source under Communication Costs’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec., 2018.
C85) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘On Optimal Proactive Caching with Improving
Predictions over Time’’, in Proceedings of Allerton Conference, Oct. 2018.
C84) A. Karakurt, A. Eryilmaz, C. E. Koksal, ‘‘Quick Discovery of Mobile Devices in the Many-User Regime - Carrier Sensing or Simultaneous Detection?’’, in Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt, May 2018 (received the Best Paper Award).
C83) B. Li, Z. Shi, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Efficient Scheduling for Synchronized Demands in Stochastic Networks’’, in Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt, May 2018.
C82) H. Gupta, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Low-Complexity, Low-Regret Link Rate Selection in Rapidly-Varying Wireless Channels’’, in Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, Apr 2018.
C81) B. Li, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant ‘‘Emulating Round-Robin in Wireless Networks‘’, submitted to ACM Mobihoc Conference, Jan. 2017.
C80) A. Eryilmaz, I. Koprulu ‘‘Discounted-Rate Utility Maximization (DRUM): A Framework for Delay-Sensitive Fair Resource Allocation‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt Conference, May 2017 (received the Best Paper Award of the conference).
C79) S. Cayci, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Learning for Serving Deadline-Constrained Traffic in Multi-Channel Wireless Networks‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt Conference, May 2017.
C78) C. Joo, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Wireless Scheduling for Information Freshness and Synchrony: Drift-based Design and Heavy-Traffic Analysis‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt Conference, May 2017.
C77) Sameh Hosny, A. Eryilmaz, H. El-Gamal, ‘‘Impact of User Mobility on D2D Caching Networks‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, Nov. 2016.
C76) Semih Cayci, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘On the Multi-Channel Capacity Gains of Millimeter-Wave Communication‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, Nov. 2016.
C75) F. Alotaibi, A. Eryilmaz, and H. El Gamal, ‘‘Dynamic Pricing and Proactive Caching with Unknown Demand Profile‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE Allerton Conference, Sept. 2016.
C74) S. Hosny, A. Eryilmaz, A. Abouzeid, and H. El Gamal, ‘‘Mobility-Aware Centralized D2D Caching Networks‘’, IEEE Allerton Conference, Sept. 2016.
C73) Himaja Kesavareddigari, A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, ‘‘Controlled link shedding for preventing cascades in power networks‘’, in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016.
C72) Hamed Farhadi, Balazs Kulcsar, Henk Wymeersch, Themistoklis Charalambous and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Adaptive routing and scheduling for urban traffic networks‘’, in Proceedings of Reglermöte, 2016.
C71) J. Liu, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, E. S. Bentley, ‘‘Understanding the Impact of Limited Channel State Information on Massive MIMO Network Performances’’, in Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC), Germany, July, 2016.
C70) J. Liu, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, E. S. Bentley, ‘‘Heavy-Ball: A New Approach to Tame Delay and Convergence in Wireless Network Optimization’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2016 (received the Best Paper Award).
C69) A. Bakshi, L. Chen, K. Srinivasan, C. E. Koksal, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘EMIT: An Efficient MAC Paradigm for the Internet of Things’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2016.
C68) S. Hosny, F. Alotaibi, H. El Gamal, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Towards P2P mobile contents trading‘’, in Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Asilomar Conference, November 2015.
C67) L. Srikar Muppirisetty, J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. Wymeersch, ‘‘On Proactive Caching with Demand and Channel Uncertainties‘’, in Proceedings of Allerton Conference, Monticello, IL, September 2015.
C66) S. Hosny, F. Alotaibi, H. El Gamal, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Towards a mobile content marketplace’’, ," in Proceedings of 2015 IEEE 16th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), pp.675-679, June 2015.
C65) F. Alotaibi, S. Hosny, H. El Gamal, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘A Game Theoretic Approach to Contents Trading in Proactive Wireless Communication’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2015.
C64) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘On the Universality of Age-Based Scheduling in Wireless Networks’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2015.
C63) B. T. Swapna, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Stochastic Bandits with Side Observations on Networks’’, in Proceedings of ACM Sigmetrics, June 2014.
C62) O. Dalkilic, A. Eryilmaz, Xiaojun Lin, ‘‘Randomized Pricing for the Optimal Coordination of Opportunistic Agents’’, in Proceedings of Allerton Conference, Monticello, IL, September 2014.
C61) W. Ouyang, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Scheduling in Time-correlated Wireless Networks with Imperfect CSI and Stringent Constraint’’, in Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Los Angeles, CA 2014.
C60) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, and H. El Gamal, ‘‘Joint pricing and proactive caching for data services: global and user-centric approaches’’, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Smart Data Pricing Workshop, May, 2014.
C59) J. Tadrous, H. El Gamal, and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Can carriers make more profit while users save money?’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), July, 2014.
C58) O. Dalkilic, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal Frequency Regulation in Power Grids in the Presence of Battery-Powered Agents’’, in Proceedings of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec. 2013.
C57) B. T. Swapna, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Multi-armed bandits in the presence of side observations in social networks’’, in Proceedings of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec. 2013.
C56) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, Leandros Tassiulas, ‘‘On Optimal Routing in Overloaded Parallel Queues’’, in Proceedings of 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Dec. 2013.
C55) Bin Li, O. Dalkilic, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Exploring the Tradeoff between Waiting Time and Service Cost in Non-Asymptotic Operating Regimes’’, in Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, November, 2013.
C54) O. Dalkilic, A. Eryilmaz, Xiaojun Lin, ‘‘Stable Real-time Pricing and Scheduling for Serving Opportunistic Users with Deferrable Loads’’, in Proceedings of Allerton Conference, Monticello, IL, September 2013.
C53) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, and H. El Gamal, ‘‘Proactive content distribution for dynamic content’’, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), July 2013.
C52) Bin Li, Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Heavy-Traffic-Optimal Scheduling Design with Regular Service Guarantees in Wireless Networks’’, in Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC), Bangalore, India, July, 2013.
C51) O. Dalkilic, O. Candogan, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Pricing Algorithms for the Day-Ahead Electricity Market with Flexible Consumer Participation’’, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Smart Data Pricing Workshop, April 2013.
C50) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. El Gamal, ‘‘Pricing for demand shaping and proactive download in smart data networks’’, in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM Smart Data Pricing Workshop, pp. 3189-3194, April 2013.
C49) Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, Bin Li, ‘‘Throughput-Optimal Scheduling with Regulated Inter-Service Times’’, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Turin, Italy, April, 2013.
C48) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, Ruogu Li, ‘‘Wireless Scheduling for Utility Maximization with Optimal Convergence Speed’’, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Turin, Italy, April, 2013.
C47) Nithin Sugavanam, C. Emre Koksal, Atilla Eryilmaz, ‘‘Color of Interference and Joint Encoding and Medium Access in Large Wireless Networks, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 2012.
C46) S. Lakshminarayana Bin Li, M. Assaad, A. Eryilmaz, M. Debbah, ‘‘A Fast-CSMA Based Distributed Scheduling Algorithm under SINR Model’’, In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Cambridge, MA, July, 2012.
C45) Bin Li and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Distributed Channel Probing for Efficient Transmission Scheduling over Wireless Fading Channels’’, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) mini-Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, March, 2012.
C44) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Optimal Constant Splitting for Efficient Routing over Unreliable Networks’’, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012.
C43) E. Wei, A. Ozdaglar, A. Eryilmaz, A. Jadbabaie, ‘‘A Distributed Newton Method for Dynamic Network Utility Maximization with Delivery Contracts’’, CISS, 2012.
C42) W. Ouyang, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Low-complexity Optimal Scheduling Over Correlated Fading Channels with ARQ Feedback’’, Proceedings of IEEE WiOpt Conference, May 2012 (received the Best Student Paper Award).
C41) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Distributed Channel Probing for Efficient Transmission Scheduling over Wireless Fading Channels’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Mini-Conference, April, 2012.
C40) W. Ouyang, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Asymptotically Optimal Downlink Scheduling over Markovian Fading Channels’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, April, 2012.
C39) B. T. Swapna, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Dynamic pricing strategies for social networks in the presence of externalities’’, Proceedings of Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, February, 2012.
C38) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. El-Gamal, ‘‘Proactive Resource Allocation in Cognitive Networks’’, Asilomar 2011.
C37) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, H. El-Gamal, ‘‘Proactive Multicasting with Predictable Demands’’, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2011.
C36) Ruogu Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Scheduling for End-to-End Deadline-Constrained Traffic with Reliability Requirements in Multi-Hop Networks’’ Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, April, 2011.
C35) W. Ouyang, S. Murugesan, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Exploiting Channel Memory for Joint Estimation and Scheduling in Downlink Networks’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, April, 2011.
C34) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘On the Limitations of Randomization for Queue-Length-Based Scheduling in Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, April, 2011.
C33) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘A Fast-CSMA Algorithm for Deadline-constrained Scheduling over Wireless Fading Channels’’, RAWNET 2011.
C32) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘On the Boundries of Randomization for Throughput-Optimal Scheduling in Switch Networks’’, Proceedings of the Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, 2010.
C31) H. El-Gamal, J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Proactive Resource Allocation: Turning Predictable Behavior into Spectral Gain’’, Proceedings of the Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, 2010.
C30) W. Ouyang, S. Murugesan, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Scheduling with Rate Adaptation under Incomplete Knowledge of ChannelEstimator Statistics/’’, Proceedings of the Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, 2010.
C29) B.T. Swapna, A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Throughput-Delay Analysis of Random Linear Network Coding for Wireless Broadcasting’’, Proceedings of the Workshop on Network Coding, Theory and Applications (NetCod), 2010.
C28) H. Gangammanavar, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Dynamic Coding and Rate-Control for Serving Deadline-Constrained Traffic over Fading Channels’’, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2010.
C27) Ruogu Li, L. Ying, A. Eryilmaz, and N. B. Shroff, ‘‘A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks serving Heterogeneous Flows’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, April, 2009.
C26) S. Lakshminarayana, A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Multi-rate Multicasting with Network Coding’’, Proceeding of Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Hawaii, November, 2008.
C25) A. Eryilmaz, P. Marbach, and A. Ozdaglar, ‘‘A Fluid-Flow Model for Backlog-Based CSMA Policies’’, Proceeding of Wireless Internet Conference (WICON), Hawaii, November, 2008.
C24) P. Marbach and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘A Backlog-Based CSMA Mechanism to Achieve Fairness and Throughput-Optimality in Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of Allerton Conference on Control and Communications, Monticello IL, September, 2008.
C23) A. ParandehGheibi, M. M'{e}dard, A. Ozdaglar, and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Information Theory vs. Queueing Theory for Resource Allocation in Multiple Access Channels’’, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Cannes, September, 2008.
C22) A. ParandehGheibi, M. Medard, A. Ozdaglar, and A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Resource Allocation in Multiple Access Channels’’, International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), March, 2008.
C21) A. Eryilmaz, A. Ozdaglar, D. Shah, and E. Modiano, ‘‘Imperfect Randomized Algorithms for the Optimal Control of Wireless Networks’’, Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton NJ, March, 2008.
C20) A. ParandehGheibi, A. Eryilmaz, A. Ozdaglar, and M. Medard, ‘‘Dynamic Rate Allocation in Fading Multiple Access Channels’’, Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), San Diego CA, January, 2008.
C19) P. Marbach, A. Eryilmaz, and A. E. Ozdaglar, ‘‘Achievable Rate Region of CSMA Schedulers in Wireless Networks with Primary Interference Constraints’’, Proceedings of 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), New Orleans, LA, December 2007.
C18) A. Eryilmaz, A. E. Ozdaglar, and P. Marbach, ‘‘A Queue-length-based Randomized Scheduler for Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2007.
C17) A. ParandehGheibi, A. Eryilmaz, A. E. Ozdaglar, and M. Medard, ‘‘Resource Allocation in Multiple Access Channels’’, Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2007.
C16) E. Ahmed, A. Eryilmaz, A. E. Ozdaglar, and M. Medard, ‘‘On the Scaling Law of Network Coding Gains in Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of Military Communications (MILCOM) Conference, Orlando, FL, October 2007.
C15) A. Eryilmaz, A. E. Ozdaglar, and E. Modiano, ‘‘Polynomial Complexity Algorithms for Full Utilization of Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, Anchorage, AL, May 2007.
C14) J. K. Sundararajan, M. Medard, M. Kim, A. Eryilmaz, D. Shah, and R. Koetter, ‘‘Network Coding in a Multicast Switch’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, Anchorage, AL, May 2007.
C13) A. Eryilmaz, and D. S. Lun, ‘‘Control for Inter-session Network Coding’’, Proceedings of the Workshop on Network Coding, Theory and Applications (NetCod), San Diego, CA, January 2007.
C12) A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, ‘‘Resource Allocation in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks’’, International Zurich Seminar on Communications, 2006.
C11) E. Ahmed, A. Eryilmaz, A. E. Ozdaglar, and Muriel Medard, ‘‘Economic Aspects of Network Coding’’, Proceedings of the 44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 2006.
C10) A. Eryilmaz, A. E. Ozdaglar, and M. Medard, ‘‘On Delay Performance Gains from Network Coding’’, Proceedings of the Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, March 2006.
C9) A. Eryilmaz, E. Modiano, and A. E. Ozdaglar, ‘‘Randomized Algorithms for Throughput-Optimality and Fairness in Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), San Diego, CA, December 2006.
C8) L. Bui, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, and X. Wu, ‘‘Joint Asynchronous Congestion Control and Distributed Scheduling for Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006.
C7) L. Ying, A. Eryilmaz, R. Srikant, and G. E. Dullerud, ‘‘Distributed Fair Resource Allocation in Cellular Networks in the Presence of Heterogeneous Delays’’, Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Riva Del Garda, Italy, April 2005.
C6) A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, ‘‘Fair Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks using Queue-length-based Scheduling and Congestion Control’’, Proceedings of IEEE Infocom Conference, Miami, FL, March 2005.
C5) A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, ‘‘Scheduling with Quality of Service Constraints over Rayleigh Fading Channels’’, Proceedings of 43th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Bahamas, December 2004.
C4) A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, ‘‘Fluid Models of Wireless Networks’’, Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC), Montreal, Canada, August 2003.
C3) A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, and J. R. Perkins, ‘‘Stable Scheduling Policies for Fading Wireless Channels’’, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Yokohama, Japan, July 2003.
C2) A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, and J. R. Perkins, ‘‘Stable Scheduling Policies for Broadcast Channels’’, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Lausanne, Switzerland, July, 2002.
C1) A. Eryilmaz, and R. Srikant, and J. R. Perkins, ‘‘Throughput-optimal Scheduling for Broadcast Channels’’, Proceedings of ITCom (Modeling and Design of Wireless Networks), Denver, CO, August 2001.
Invited Presentations
(In reverse chronological order. Cited elsewhere as [P#])
P30) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), ‘‘Leveraging Side-Information for Learning and Optimization under Uncertainty’’, University of California at Irvine, NetSys and CS Seminar Series, Dec., 2018.
P29) J. Tadrous (Presenter), A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘Proactive Content Caching with Improving Predictions over Time‘’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, February, 2018.
P28) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), I. Koprulu, ‘‘Discounted-Rate Utility Maximization (DRUM): A Framework for Delay-Sensitive and Fair Resource Allocation’’, Allerton Conference, 2017.
P27) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), I. Koprulu, ‘‘Discounted-Rate Utility Maximization (DRUM): A Framework for Delay-Sensitive and Fair Resource Allocation’’, Workshop on Frontiers of Networks: Theory and Algorithms, ACM Mobihoc Conferece, July 2017.
P26) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), C. Joo, ‘‘Scheduling for Fresh Information in Wireless Networks‘’, Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton NJ, 2016.
P25) J. Liu (Presenter), A. Eryilmaz, N. Shroff, E. Bentley, ‘‘Momentum-Based Distributed Stochastic Network Control and Optimization’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, February, 2016.
P24) O. Dalkilic (Presenter), A. Eryilmaz, Antonio J. Conejo, ‘‘Price-based Real-time Demand Management: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithm‘’, Annual INFORMS Meeting in Operations Research, November 2015.
P23) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), J. Tadrous, ‘‘Proactive Caching for Mobile Networks with Prediction Uncertainties’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, February, 2015.
P22) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), Bin Li, R. Srikant, ‘‘On Optimal Routing and Scheduling under Heavily and Overloaded Conditions’’, Seminar, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, November, 2014.
P21) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), Bin Li, R. Srikant, ‘‘On Optimal Routing and Scheduling under Heavily and Overloaded Conditions’’, Fish Bowl Seminar Series, Texas A & M University (TAMU), September, 2014.
P20) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), H. El Gamal, ‘‘Proactive Resource Allocation Paradigm: Prediction, Servicing, and Pricing’’, Frontiers of Networks: Theory and Algorithms, ACM Mobihoc Workshops, August, 2014.
P19) Bin Li, A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), R. Srikant, Leandros Tassiulas, ‘‘On Optimal Routing in Overloaded Parallel Queues’’, Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton NJ, 2014.
P18) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), Bin Li, ‘‘Regular Scheduling in Wireless Downlink’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, February, 2013.
P17) J. Tadrous, A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), H. El Gamal, ‘‘Optimal Proactive Download and Demand Shaping for Serving Predictable Users’’, Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2012.
P16) B. T. Swapna (Presenter), A. Eryilmaz, N. B. Shroff, ‘‘Dynamic Pricing for Revenue Maximization in the Presence of Social Influences’’, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks (WIDS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November, 2012.
P15) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), R. Srikant, ‘‘Lyapunov-based steady-state analysis of queueing systems: heavy-traffic-optimality of JSQ routing’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, February, 2011.
P14) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), R. Srikant, ‘‘A Lyapunov-Based Proof of Heavy-Traffic-Optimality of Join the Shortest Queue (JSQ) Routing’’, International INFORMS Conference, November, 2010.
P13) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), ’’Delay Performance Improvement of Throughput-Optimal Resource Allocation Algorithms in Multi-Hop Networks’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, San Diego, California, February, 2010.
P12) C. E. Koksal (Presenter), A. Eryilmaz, ‘‘The cost of information for resource allocation in wireless networks’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, Jan., 2009.
P11) H. Xiong, R. Li, A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), E. Ekici, ’’Delay performance improvement of throughput-optimal resource allocation algorithms in multi-hop networks’’, Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, January, 2009.
P10) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), P. Marbach, ‘‘Asymptotically Throughput-Optimal CSMA Scheduling for Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, Workshop on the Theory of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (THASN), Atlanta GA, September, 2008.
P9) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), A. E. Ozdaglar, D. Shah, and E. Modiano, ’’Randomized Algorithms for Optimal Network Control in Wireless Networks’’, presented at the International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Hamilton, Canada, August 2007.
P8) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), ’’Network Coding: Algorithms and Performance’’, presented at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, November, 2006.
P7) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), E. Modiano, and A. E. Ozdaglar, ’’Distributed Control of Multihop Wireless Networks for Full Utilization’’, presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 2006.
P6) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), and D. S. Lun, ’’On Serving Multiple Unicast Sessions with Inter-Session Network Coding’’, presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 2006.
P5) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), ‘‘Control of Multi-Hop Wireless Networks for Efficiency and Fairness’’, presented at the Center for Information and Systems Engineering (CISE) Seminar Series, Boston University, Boston, MA, May 2006.
P4) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter) and R. Srikant, ‘‘Resource Allocation in Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, presented at the International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZSC), Zurich, Switzerland, February 2006.
P3) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), ‘‘Resource allocation in wireless networks’’, presented at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Control Group Seminar Series , Cambridge, MA, November 2006.
P2) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), and R. Srikant, ‘‘Resource Allocation and Pricing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks’’, presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2005.
P1) A. Eryilmaz (Presenter), and R. Srikant, ‘‘Joint Scheduling and Congestion Control for Wireless Networks’’, presented at the INFORMS, Applied Probability Conference, Ottawa, CA, July 2005.
M.S. Thesis
Ph.D. Thesis